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You are not alone.

We know what you are going through, having to deal with FOH issues, and your normal BOH issues. You want to create memories for your patrons, and manage what they experience at your restaurant.

What happens to your restaurant when a sewer backup or overflow occurs? Your guests have an experience you can't manage. Your restaurant is shut down, closed to the public, until the cleanup operations have ceased.

That could take hours. Sometimes, even days.

And if you are not open for business, you are losing revenue. And potentially, customers.

We can help you avoid a closure due to a clogged wastewater pipes. We have a handle on how to control those pollutants that would cause sanitary sewer overflows from restaurants—the fats, oils and grease more commonly referred to as "FOG", that can cause you big headaches. And they cost you big money, in cleanup charges, in cost recovery efforts from agencies involved, and in environmental fines.

Not to mention the damage to your brand's image that comes with sewer overflows, or even sewage smells. The "ewww" factor.

We help control your expenses, and protect your brand at the same time.

We have worked with restaurant owners and managers, landlords, and the cities and sewering agencies to achieve their goals of preventing sewer backups, overflows, and other issues that can cause harm not only to your restaurant, but to the leased property, to the sewering agency pipes and treatment facility, and to the environment. We can help ensure your restaurant comply with programs in place to prevent FOG from going to the sewer. We can reduce your risk of a sewer backup or overflows and help your restaurant navigate the enforcement risks when they do occur. Because if you aren't properly managing your FOG, a backup or overflow will occur, when you least expect it.

We have the expertise in both prevention and mitigation efforts.

We understand the regulations and requirements, and can help you implement your FOG control program. We've helped hundreds of restaurants like yours over the years to, easily. And if you do get into trouble, we can help get you out. We speak the language of the regulating agencies, so you don't have to. We can help you reduce the potential for overflows and their associated monetary damages.

How can we help you?
We keep restaurants out of hot water.

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